Before running the application you should know how the application is bundled. At the moment we have two separate modules: core and web. This means that the mPango-core jar is included in the mPango-web war file. This has consequences in order to run the project at development time:
When running the application during development, we officially support Maven Jetty Plugin. There are alternatives to this appraoch such as Eclipse WTP support with different application servers. We think Jetty is simple and lightweight enough for a every day development practice.
In any case you choose to run mpango-web, make sure that you have installed previously mpango-core by running mvn install in it.
You can run the Maven Jetty plugin allows 3 possible scenarios when running:
mvn jetty:run
Recommended for development work.
The application will be read directly from sources. This means that auto scanning reloads changes on the fly. When running on this mode and due to the automatic reloanding of the web application when changes are detected, you need to run the application with the following system property MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" to tweak Maven memory settings.
mvn jetty:run-exploded
Recommended for functional & integration testing.
The application must be ready as a folder. This command can be executed from the parent project as well as from mpango-web. You need to have executed mvn package in order to have the web application resources ready to be used.